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Some six months ago, I made the decision to purchase a $250.00 handheld console, somewhat skeptical about it and believing the talk on the web saying that this little system barely had any games.

I went into this really thinking that my huge backlog of PS3 games was safe. I really believed that I was no longer going to be a man of empty promises, and that I will actually take the time to sit down and really savour and appreciate the many wonderful experiences that are to be found in games like Dead Space 2, Batman Arkham Assylum, Valkyria Chronicles, Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption and many other games that are stacked next to my PS3 waiting to be played. See, for over a year now, I’ve been promising my backlog that I really, really want to spend time playing it but something always comes up, like a shiny new game. Not to mention that my PS3 is actually pregnant with a hard drive full of free and discounted games from PlayStation Plus. All the more reasons why I had planned to spend some quality time with my PS3 and tap that fat ass….erm, backlog.

But you see, the one thing I really didn’t factor into this equation is my PS Vita. For a console that is supposed to have no games, I find myself incapable of putting it down. But worse, is that now I find myself going to sleep later and later everyday because of this sexy little beast of a system. I bring it to my room and put on the headphones and I’ll be on Black Ops Declassified until 2 or 3 am. I mean, it’s not fair to both me or my backlog on my PS3. I can’t even stop playing my PS Vita long enough to even write a review or two, for pete’s sake.

The real terrifying part of this whole ordeal for me is the fact that,  not only do I find myself devoting more and more time to my PS Vita, but I’m also realizing that the system is less than a year old, and already I’ve got a backlog of games for it. Currently I’m cyclying through NFS Most Wanted, Black Ops Declassified, Gravity Rush, Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation, and MotorStorm RC. I have barely touched LBP Vita, Dynasty Warriors Next, Unit 13, Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, and Sine Mora. I’m running out of memory space because I have 5 free games on PlayStation that I’m dying to play but I only have an 8GB card. I’ve been thinking about getting PlayStation AllStars as the beta was pretty fun. Being curious about how cross-play will work between the systems, I tried to use Remote Play between my PS Vita and my PS3 but I keep getting an error stating: ” Could not connect to the PS3tm system.” I’ve never had this problem before, and I’m beginning to think that my PS3 is Jealous of my PS Vita because of all the time we’ve been spending together.

The other night I was in the living room playing AC 3: Liberation on the PS Vita and I was rubbing it’s back panel, and my PS3 suddenly turned itself on. I won’t lie, I nearly crapped my pants as I thought my PS3 was going to blow up and kill me in the process. But it turned out to be an automatic update….phew

All jokes asides though, the PS Vita is turning out to be one heck of an investment for me, and I couldn’t be happier with it as it already feels like there’s too many games available.  The games are coming left and right, PlayStation Plus is finally on board and kicking on all cylinders, and the holidays are already here. So I hope that all the negativity surrounding the console haven’t swayed too much and you’ve decided to hop in.  If you find yourself traveling away from home this holiday season to be with family members, I hope you’re bringing the PS Vita along.


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