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Some six months ago, I made the decision to purchase a $250.00 handheld console, somewhat skeptical about it and believing the talk on the web saying that this little system barely had any games.

I went into this really thinking that my huge backlog of PS3 games was safe. I really believed that I was no longer going to be a man of empty promises, and that I will actually take the time to sit down and really savour and appreciate the many wonderful experiences that are to be found in games like Dead Space 2, Batman Arkham Assylum, Valkyria Chronicles, Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption and many other games that are stacked next to my PS3 waiting to be played. See, for over a year now, I’ve been promising my backlog that I really, really want to spend time playing it but something always comes up, like a shiny new game. Not to mention that my PS3 is actually pregnant with a hard drive full of free and discounted games from PlayStation Plus. All the more reasons why I had planned to spend some quality time with my PS3 and tap that fat ass….erm, backlog.

But you see, the one thing I really didn’t factor into this equation is my PS Vita. For a console that is supposed to have no games, I find myself incapable of putting it down. But worse, is that now I find myself going to sleep later and later everyday because of this sexy little beast of a system. I bring it to my room and put on the headphones and I’ll be on Black Ops Declassified until 2 or 3 am. I mean, it’s not fair to both me or my backlog on my PS3. I can’t even stop playing my PS Vita long enough to even write a review or two, for pete’s sake.

The real terrifying part of this whole ordeal for me is the fact that,  not only do I find myself devoting more and more time to my PS Vita, but I’m also realizing that the system is less than a year old, and already I’ve got a backlog of games for it. Currently I’m cyclying through NFS Most Wanted, Black Ops Declassified, Gravity Rush, Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation, and MotorStorm RC. I have barely touched LBP Vita, Dynasty Warriors Next, Unit 13, Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, and Sine Mora. I’m running out of memory space because I have 5 free games on PlayStation that I’m dying to play but I only have an 8GB card. I’ve been thinking about getting PlayStation AllStars as the beta was pretty fun. Being curious about how cross-play will work between the systems, I tried to use Remote Play between my PS Vita and my PS3 but I keep getting an error stating: ” Could not connect to the PS3tm system.” I’ve never had this problem before, and I’m beginning to think that my PS3 is Jealous of my PS Vita because of all the time we’ve been spending together.

The other night I was in the living room playing AC 3: Liberation on the PS Vita and I was rubbing it’s back panel, and my PS3 suddenly turned itself on. I won’t lie, I nearly crapped my pants as I thought my PS3 was going to blow up and kill me in the process. But it turned out to be an automatic update….phew

All jokes asides though, the PS Vita is turning out to be one heck of an investment for me, and I couldn’t be happier with it as it already feels like there’s too many games available.  The games are coming left and right, PlayStation Plus is finally on board and kicking on all cylinders, and the holidays are already here. So I hope that all the negativity surrounding the console haven’t swayed too much and you’ve decided to hop in.  If you find yourself traveling away from home this holiday season to be with family members, I hope you’re bringing the PS Vita along.

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So far Rockstar Games has officially confirmed only two platforms (PS3 and Xbox 360) for their upcoming game GTA V. Today Rockstar Vice President, Dan Houser stated that GTA V launch on other platforms (PC and Wii U) is under consideration.

Dan Houser was asked, why GTA V hasn't been confirmed for PC and Wii U?. To this he simply replied, "Everything else is up for consideration. That's all I can give you"

"The main thing is we are not... we are a third-party publisher. We're not Nintendo, we're not Sony, we're not Microsoft. We love all of them in different ways. But we can do what we want wherever there's the appropriate business opportunity and chance to find a market.

"If that's on Apple we put something on Apple," Houser added. "Wherever it might be. I think that's the fun in what we do. We see ourselves as a content company that uses technology. We don't make it; we use it to make the most fun stuff."

GTA V is schedule to launch on PS3 and Xbox 360 in Spring 2013.


Understanding history is not always an easy or simple task. One might be inclined to think that what happened happened, and that is that. In reality it is often not so simple. In fact, historians have developed a whole sub-field of history called historiography, which can basically be understood as the study of how history is studied. Historians examine what it means to be an interpreter of the past and how best to accomplish this task. They pose difficult questions and debate about them. Is it appropriate to use relative terms like “good” and “evil” when interpreting the past? How does one deal with personal biases while writing objective histories? One problem in particular that has plagued historians for years is the inability to experience historically distant feelings and events. How can we truly know what people felt? One might be able to read an old soldier’s diary, but it is a different thing entirely to actually experience war. Can anyone today truly know what it was like to fight under Napoleon? To feel what his men felt as they stood in perfect discipline under barrages of musket and cannon fire?

It may be possible that increasingly realistic video games could offer a way to help understand these historically distant experiences. Role playing has often been used in schools to help students gain experience with something new. Model United nations and mock trials are just a couple of examples. Video games can offer similar simulations, but in a much more vivid and gratifying way. Consider the pioneering game Company of Heroes, released in 2006. Widely considered the highest rated strategy game of all time, it portrays WWII in an innovative and graphically realistic way. Players of the game have to take command of squads of soldiers and battle in Europe’s western theater as the Americans, British, or Germans. Soldiers take cover, miss shots, and retreat on command. Buildings can be destroyed, and bombs leave craters in their wakes. The tanks look and feel very real in the way they move and operate. Their armor deflects cannon rounds, their treads crush obstacles, and they’re just plain intimidating. Players can feel some of the frustrations that soldiers felt while being pinned down by machine gun fire or after repeatedly failing to pierce the armor of a German Panther tank. Everything that a player orders his virtual men to do has actually been done by real people in similar situations.
Recently there has been a lot of excitement over the announcement that a sequel to the game will be released next year. The game should prove to deserve all of the hype, and it seems that the designers at Relic Entertainment are committed to making the experience even more realistic. In an interview published on Youtube, Company of Heroes 2’s Game Director Quinn Duffy explains the significance of the setting of the game, which will be on the European eastern front. Players will take command of the Russian soldiers this time, and they will face a whole barrage of new, but very real challenges. For more on the game, check out Company of Heroes 2 Preview for more on the game.

For one, the terrible cold of Russia’s extreme winters is going to play a large role. Soldiers will suffer from exposure to the cold, and die of hypothermia. Some will simply fall out of line and collapse in the snow. Players will have to consider the warmth of their men, and make decisions similar to the ones actual Russian officers faced. Do i keep my men warm and healthy with a fire, or is the risk of being spotted by the enemy too great? Vehicles will also break through icy rivers and sink to the bottom, and troops will get bogged down in thick snow. Even numerous ambient animations are being added to simulate the realities of the cold. Soldiers will rub their hands together and stamp their feet while trying to stay warm.

The creators of COH 2 also want the players to share in the dread that many soldiers experienced during the war. “We want players to have much the same reaction that [the Russians'] enemies did of an OH CRAP moment, ” said Duffy during the interview in reference to the new Katyusha rocket launchers that will be available to players of the Russian Faction. He also explained that the KV1 tanks will also be a feature of the Russian arsenal, which were able to withstand German weapons and could single-handedly destroy numerous German vehicles.

Even the official teaser trailer makes use of real WWII images and historical references. As it introduces the Russian perspective of the game, a narrator gravely explains, “Holding back the Nazi invaders, Russia lost nearly 11 million troops and more than 15 million innocent civilians. But the real casualty is in forgetting their sacrifice. This is their front… their courage… their story… your war. ” This is a game franchise that is deeply engrossed in its commitment to history and realism. The developers want players to remember the past and experience it as closely as possible, and they are sure to deliver both an exciting and educational experience. While we will probably never be able to truly experience historically distant feelings and events, as games become more and more realistic, history is coming more and more to life. When players finally get to pop their new copies of COH 2 into their computers, they should be prepared to not only have a lot of fun, but also to have a unique and thrilling learning experience.
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